My portfolio visit with contrast creative was very useful and insightful. I was taken into their studio which was laid back and not so intimidating as the studio consisted of three males. The man I had my visit with was called Ed.I showed two pieces to begin with, my Vogue title sequence and my Ted Baker window display. I talked through the briefs and he liked the rotation of the imagery within my title sequence how it gave a 3-D feel and loved the ideas that went with my Ted Baker window display after I had explained the idea of connecting autumn with the idea of layers then relating that to layers in a cake. He said he could imagine that within a shop window though suggesting improvements he said I could have taken photographs of real shop windows then dropped my image behind it to give that window- reflection feel, including some reflections of people passing by would deliver a sense of reality. He also said looking from a fashion perspective fashion stores like to show the shapes of their garments and in my window display they are all folded up to form the cake. I thought this was really interesting as this had never come to my attention and I will definitely consider this if I get a similar brief. To keep my idea strong but to still resolve this problem he suggested a mannequin could wear the garments in a way which looked like sweets or cake, she could also be positioned in a way looking as if she is eating herself which I thought was quite quirky. With this idea of I thought the tag line placed on the window could then be 'Indulge Yourself'. He suggested I take a look at a website named 'cyana trend land' which I took two of the above images from. A woman indulging herself with sweets and accessorising herself with them also chanel's own cupcakes.
I decided to show my Disney Cinemagic T.V channel ident as it was very different to the other pieces I showed and got talking about software. He suggested to experiment with the program Flash as people with good understanding of the program are in high demand.
I also showed my Doritos stop-motion advert which he said the concepts needed to be explained a little more as it was hard to understand where the Doritos were supposed to be. He also said maybe it could have been shot elsewhere besides a desk to get the hot feeling of the hot tub the scene could have been shot at a cafe outside on a hot day.
Earlier on the visit I'd picked up on that at the current moment he was working on poster campaigns and had done in the past. For the brief JDO I have decided to create a poster campaign so I asked if he could give me some guidelines. He said never use more than 10 words on a poster as if they are used on billboards they have to catch citizens attention within the first few seconds. Most people don't have the time to read lines of writing. It has to be instantly eye-catching as a company hiring a billboard for a week costs a few thousand and one for a week on the underground in London can cost 10s of thousands, which shocked me so is a serious matter. He said to me the key is to gather as much research as possible and gave me another website 'ads of the world' which I grabbed my third image, below the other two. It reads at the bottom 'In Switzerland, more people are injured each year in tripping accidents than in car accidents.' The image places to visuals together of the shoe but all crumpled and bashed in at the front looking like a car accident but representing a tripping accident.
Ed also gave me some advice on interviews I may have in the future stating I should always have the brief on me for each piece of work I show which I unfortunately forgot today.
At the end of the visit Ed suggested I give a woman called Jess a call who worked in the same building for icitymedia who was a video producer as I'm on a moving image course which I though was encouraging so I think I will give the number a ring.