Monday, 22 February 2010

Hidden Mickeys

Looking on the Internet I found a site that described the Mickey logos hidden throughout the theme parks but also hidden throughout the films aswell. Represents the idea that Disney is everywhere we could be looking at the logo and not knowing it. Though this gave me an idea searching through existing Disney films catching elements that possibly look like the mickey logo bringing then this image into the foreground as it changes into the Disney Cinemagic logo. If this idea does carry on into the developing stage I have to be careful to not rely too much on existing footage and still be able to carry it off as my own work.

Friday, 19 February 2010

More Disney Cinemagic Idents

I like these idents more than the disney cinemagic ones I posted beforehand. Incorporating parts of the original Disney classics into real-life footage revolving around a story-line I think is a really clever and creative idea. It captures the whole point of the Disney Cinemagic channel and still caters for it's target audience which I think 5-10 year olds would find amusing. It also creates the feeling of ones self becoming part of the film allowing children to feel closer to their favourite chracters. I think maybe looking upon the lines of this type of idea maybe successful.

Disney logo animated

This animation mainly appears at the beginning of a Disney Film preparing you that something magical is about to happen,it certainly does that job. It brings the original Disney logo to life and is complimented by the enchanting music, definitely capturing the viewers attention. Everytime I watch it it gives me goosbumps.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Disney Cinemagic Channel

For my TV ident I've chosen the channel 'Disney Cinemagic'. Do what you know best and I know Disney. I was first thinking about the 'Disney Channel' then thought against it as it's full to the brim of silly over the top programmes which doesn't show Disney to the best of it's ability. Choosing Disney Cinemagic which broadcasts many Disney films including the classics I would find this much more interesting and appealing.  

Disney Cinemagic Idents

This video contains a few of the Disney Cinemagic idents that have been used. They are very full, creative, the camera moves around alot and contains lots of colour. Many of these elements have to to be taken into consideration when children from around 5-10 are watching with a low attention span. 

MTV Ident

This MTV ident is very much longer than the time I've been given to produce an ident though I thought it was created very well. The colour and feel on whole were complimented by the music.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Photos for my Final Piece

Except for the last one all the others are photos that I took to include within my final piece. I took many of the same to make sure I was producing the best, these are just a few to show. 

The first (scarf) I arranged in a way that would look like the icing on the rim of the cake. My first idea was to have the icing as hats though after experimenting with the scarf I realised that the shapes that could be formed by the scarf were more ideal and looked more realistic.

The plate I found I was very happy with it looks simple yet classy as you would see in a restaurant.

Firstly I started taking pictures in clothes shops to start collecting images of folded clothes for my piece. Though as seen above I also took pictures in my own home, I found this easier and more productive as I could arrange the clothes the way I wanted without disturbing any shop displays.

The curtains I wanted draping down the sides of my piece I had to create myself from pieces of lace and sewn on beads. Through photoshop this looked quite affective. I think adjusting the levels of light created a silky look.

The last image I took from a magazine. As I was flicking through I instantly thought that the image would definitely suit the outside of the cake. This part of the cake before it is cut is all that can be seen so has to be presentation perfect and has lovely delicate decoration which I felt when looking at the image. 

My Ted Baker Animatic

Even though my piece isn't a film I still created an animatic to thoroughly express the way in how I wanted my window display to be presented.  

Monday, 8 February 2010

Dont Lose your Ted!

After browsing the Ted Baker website once again I found new fun-style images as the one above. In my idea development stage I played around with the idea of the Ted Baker name making it very literal as Teddy Bear Baker. Ted Baker have done the same with the idea of a teddy bear though keeping it to its simple form of just Ted, 'Don't lose your Ted'. This also plays on the idea of 'Don't lose your head'. Through my Halloween ideas I played around a lot with the idea of the Ted Baker name though also playing on the words which helps me think that yes I am on the right track and I've captured the essence of Ted Baker and it's humour.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Cake Ideas

To understand clearly the characteristics of a cake I found the images above. In my sketches I hadn't put a layer of cream round the edge which I think can clearly define a cake. The second one to the top can help me with the visual of my cake as its how a real cake would look after being cut. Its not perfect being crumbly and the cream sliding off the top I need to represent this through the garments and accessories Ive used as decoration on my cake. Though bearing all this is mind I still need to keep the overall picture crisp and clean to represent the shop as the classy sophisticated shop it is rather than a jumble sale.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Idea of the cake

After exploring the idea of Halloween I realised that this was too narrow of a subject to represent a whole season. Another idea that had stemmed from autumn was the idea of hibernation then I related that to layers how from animals to humans we all pile on the layers to the arrival of autumn to winter. Animals fatten up and humans increase their layers e.g. jumpers and coats. After asking numerous people what they thought of when I mentioned the word layers many of those said cake. I thought this could be a great idea to work with, with it's sweet taste and rich colours it's certainly a temptation for many which creates the message I want to promote for Ted baker, to tempt consumers into the shops.